We are the Métis Eastern Tribal Indian Society of Maine.
Métis are mixed blood people with aboriginal (First Nations) ancestry. We are one band of
Métis people located in the North East USA, including but not limited to the state of Maine.
The word "Métis" is French and is most often associated with people of mixed Aboriginal/French ancestry, but, historically includes people of aboriginal and all non-aboriginal ancestry.
The Métis of Maine may include anyone with First Nations ancestry, and ancestry from any other part of the world.
At the present time we plan on holding the 2025 meeting at the Yellow Feather Cultural Center. Weather Permitting. The wearing of "MASKS is Recommended". Please consider your health and safety before you decide to attend. If we hear any changes from the State of Maine and in CDC Guidance we will notify our members on this website and Facebook.
The health of our Metis members, the public and other Native Americans is very important to everyone. Please stay healthy and safe during these trying times.
Please contact Mary Ann at 1-207-252-4119 or Denise at 1-207-727-7729 if you are interested in trading at our June or August POW WOWs. Thank you for considering participating at our Pow Wows. See "Contacts" for a Trader Application.